Saturday, June 6, 2015

Why URI Encoding...?

Most of you must heard about URI Encoding...

Why do we need to Encode URIs?

It is because otherwise servers cannot identify what we sent there.

When we are accessing/using urls we cannot add spaces there. While sending a GET request you may want to add spaces there. Then how do you send those data..?
When we are accessing/using urls we cannot add '/' there. '/' is reserved for use as a component separator. Then how do you send those data..?
Consider that you want to send a XML file attached there..

Here comes the URI encoding.

For example:
you want to encode this<cs><o n="authcode" v="d82709ae"/><c n="FlightSearch"><q n="StartDate" v="18-May-2015"/><q n="EndDate" v="21-May-2015"/></c></cs>

into this

You can try it here..

