What is XSD ....??
It is considered as the grammar of the XML... The XML Schema language is also referred to as XML Schema Definition (XSD). Simply XSD files are used to validate XML.
XSD files can be converted to a JAR file simply using the Apache XMLBeans.
If you have already setup Apache XMLBeans then go to the folder which contains the xsd file and apply the below command which will convert xsd file to a jar file. (if not follow the Setup XMLBeans instructions)
>> scomp -out <jar_file_name.jar> <xsd_document_name.xsd>
>> scomp -out getSupplierNames.jar getSupplierNames.xsd
Setup XMLBeans
First you have to setup Apache Ant and JDK 1.4 or later version.
JDK installation...
Variable: JAVA_HOME
Value : <folder where the JDK software is located>
If PATH variale exists append the value, else add the value.
Variable: PATH
Value : %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Apache Ant installation...
Set below Environment Variables as described above.
Variable: ANT_HOME
Value : <folder where you uncompressed Ant to>
Apache XMLBeans installation...
Value : <folder where you uncompressed Ant to>
If PATH variale exists append the value, else add the value.
Variable: PATH
Value : %ANT_HOME%/bin
Apache XMLBeans can be downloaded from download mirrors. Download the zip file and extract it.
Set below Environment Variables as described earlier.
Value : <folder where you uncompressed XMLBeans to>
Value : <folder where you uncompressed XMLBeans to>
If PATH variale exists append the value, else add the value.
Variable: PATH
Value : %XMLBEANS_HOME%\bin
If CLASSPATH variale exists append the value, else add the value.
Value : <path to xbean.jar>
[usually this should be %XMLBEANS_HOME%\xbean.jar]